Instructional Lessons

Instructional Plan for Teaching Perspective to a 7th Grade Art Class

Unit Title:
One- and Two-Point Perspective

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Plan Title
Introducing One Point Perspective
Introducing Two-Point Perspective
The use of perspective in a street drawing
Learning Goal
I will understand what perspective is.  I will be able to draw a box in one-point perspective.  I will know the terms vanishing point and horizon line.
I will be able to apply one-point perspective to multiple rectangular shapes.
I will apply what I have learned about one-point perspective and create a box with a hole in it.

I will remember what perspective is along with the terms vanishing point and horizon line.  I will be able to draw a cube using two-point perspective and be able to compare the drawing I did last class with the two-point perspective cube drawing.
I will know how to apply what I have learned about two-point perspective and draw multiple size boxes correctly using 2-point perspective.
I will create a drawing using my initials or name in 2-point perspective.
I will draw a basic landscape/city scene using 2-point perspective.  I will understand point of view.
I will correctly draw a street scene using two-point perspective.    My drawing will include multiple size objects that demonstrate what I have learned.
I will create a drawing that shows a sound understanding of perspective.  My street scene will include windows, signs etc. all drawn towards the vanishing point. 

Daily Essential Question
What is one-point perspective and how do I use it when I draw?
What is two-point perspective and how do I use it when I create a drawing?
How do I use what I have learned about perspective to create a street scene?
Formative Assessment
Completion of 2 drawings from the lesson.  One will have demonstrated correct one-point perspective on a cube.  Second worksheet will show understanding of applying perspective to multiple random rectangular shapes.
Correctly drawing multiple boxes using two-point perspective.
Review of student’s street drawing for correct understanding of perspective.

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