Today totally didn't go as planned which seems typical lately.
I don't mention it much on here that I am a mom of 3 kids(ages 16, 14 and 9). I also don't mention either how I homeschool all three of them due to various learning disabilities. I'm just throwing it out there in case anyone is wondering why I always act like I'm so busy all the time. I AM!
It can be difficult if not downright impossible for me to paint or create every single day while I am doing what I am doing as a mom right now. I feel like I walk a very fine line between doing what I want to do for self-fulfillment vs. my responsibilities as a mother. Sometimes when I etch out that time for just myself, I end up feeling guilty for not being attentive 100 percent to my children. I kind of felt that way while reading out of my daughter's environmental science book to her this afternoon. My mind was wandering as I thought about making time for my painting challenge and thinking about what I wanted to paint today. The struggle is REAL!
I had the schedule for today all worked out and then I had to take my dog to vet. She looks like she has pink eye and the vet pretty much confirmed that. So I jumped from homeschooling kids to taking dog to emergency vet appointment to painting today's painting before I made tacos for dinner.
What I am happy about is how excited I was today about painting today's subject as opposed to the "Pear Study" yesterday that felt very tedious to me. Reference photo is from MorgueFile which is a free image repository for artists to use as reference materials. I saw this photo and knew that it would look great cropped down into a square.
This photo makes me happy. Birds make me happy. Crows can make me happy because they are just so darn smart! I love seeing those videos of people who have domesticated wild crows and the crow ends up babysitting their kids in the backyard while it sits in a tree.
I used my artistic license to change the background because I love how powerful the color red oxide is against the color black. I was surprised that the crow's eye was not brown which led me into some internet research. I discovered that young crows can have blue eyes like our subject above. Hence, the name I chose for the title.
"Young Crow", Acrylic on Wood, 6"x6".
"Young Crow" is available to purchase through Daily Paintworks.
Click here for the link!
Thanks for stopping by and I promise not to be so whiny tomorrow!