Sunday, October 1, 2017

Sunday Art Inspiration

For the last few years, I have been a little obsessed over haystacks.  It is to the point that I saw a painting one of my artist friends did of haystacks and I was actually jealous that she had found some haystacks to paint!

When people think of haystack paintings they automatically think of what Monet did.

Who doesn't love a good haystack painting?

However, all haystack photos are not created equally.  I can drive by some random haystacks in the mountains but if the day and time are not right it doesn't make such an interesting photo.

Carlton Farms in Williamsburg has plenty of horses grazing around but just recently they added some haystacks.  In 10 years of living here, I don't remember seeing haystacks there but I'm lucky that they are so close.

Last night after I left my new studio(more information on that later!) I thought the sky looked beautiful so I drove over to see what the haystacks looked like.  I was able to get a few nice photographs.

I have no idea if I can paint anything from these but one has to admit that these are some beautiful sky photos.  What a beautiful night.

I am going to play around and crop some of these and study them for awhile.  I would like to add some color into them like Monet's haystacks.

Stay tuned!

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