Monday, January 2, 2017

#30paintingsin30days Challenge-Day 2

Well, I woke up thinking that I need to plan my 30 paintings in 30 days challenge better!

Starting tomorrow, I will be a lot more busier so I know that I need to schedule time to work.  I might even work on tomorrow's painting tonight.  What I will do though is plan out what painting I am going to do before tomorrow!  I literally woke up, made coffee and decided to paint my friend Cindy's cat Izzy.
This is another photo that has been on my desktop for ages.

I thought you might like to see "work in progress" photos.  First I drew in the cat and outlined it in Mars Black.
 I wanted to try something a little bit different because that is what this challenge is all about, right?  I decided to do a monochromatic study first before I added any color.

 Next I added the Yellow Oxide for the couch and this is the point that I realized that I had very little white left to do this painting with.  I have been meaning to buy a tube of white paint but I keep forgetting.  So....I was definitely rationing the white!
 Thought at this point-"Hey, why not add purple in the shadows and the cat?"
Final piece:
"Izzy", Acrylic on canvas 5"x7".

Enjoying the process so far although we are only on Day 2.  I am leaving the studio to plan for the rest of the day and will be coming back later to figure out what I am painting tomorrow.  I'm thinking I will need to get up extra early which is hard coming off of vacation.

Thanks for stopping by!

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