Monday, January 9, 2017

#30paintingsin30days Challenge-Day 9(Painting #6)

"Morning Song", Mixed Media on Wood, 8"x10"
I was happy to finally finish the painting above for the 30 day painting challenge.  The canvas has been sitting around my studio for a long time waiting for some sort of inspiration.  I had already painting it blue and added the music sheet on it named "Morning Song".  I know I wanted to put a bird on it but didn't know what kind and how it should look.

With the snowfall this weekend, I have spent a lot of time looking out of my kitchen windows watching all the birds at the feeders.  One bluebird in the yard tended to the thug of the yard and was chasing everyone off of the feeders.
The bluebird "thug" is the one on the left!  LOL!
At that point, I got inspired to draw a bluebird for the piece.  I worked on the drawing yesterday.

After I finished the drawing, I made a decision to only include one bird on the canvas although it seemed like I should have more than one.  I then decided to cut out different color lace pieces and add them over a piece of cheesecloth that I applied with Liquitex Gloss Heavy Gel.  Now that it is done, I think I am going to either use Art Resin for the top coating or Liquitex Pouring Medium.

Thank you for looking today!

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